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See Your Impact

We are grateful to every supporter and volunteer who has invested in Carolina’s future and we want to ensure that all donors, regardless of where they give or how much, understand the impact that their generosity has on our campus and beyond every day. Explore impact reports, donor events and Carolina Stories to see how your generosity is changing lives on campus and around the world.

Impact Reports

Annual Reports

Carolina’s annual fundraising totals and other important information, including benchmarks and commitments.

Endowment Reports

Providing a financial summary of The UNC Investment Fund LLC balance, disbursements and growth for the fiscal year.

The Carolina Covenant

Offering students a debt-free path to graduation through scholarships, work-study and grants.

Blue Sky Scholars Program

A bold scholarship and mentorship program for middle-income students from North Carolina.

Donor Events


Every year students take a break from their busy schedules to show their appreciation for UNC’s generous supporters.

Celebrating Scholarships

Bringing together our generous scholarship donors and student recipients for a day of celebration and gratitude

Impact in Action

Carolina Stories

A collection of stories about people, innovations and milestones at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, supported by donors and volunteers like you.

Campaign for Carolina

Because of the generosity of donors like you, the Campaign for Carolina has raised more than $5 billion for students, faculty, research and patient care at UNC-Chapel Hill. 

Donor Resources

Need help making a gift? Reach our Gift Services team by calling 919-537-3818, emailing or clicking the Contact Us button below. To view your giving history, make a repeat gift or pledge payment, or print a tax receipt, click My UNC Giving.