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Young Alumni Leadership Council

Established in 1995, the Young Alumni Leadership Council (YALC) is modeled after the University’s Board of Visitors and is the primary volunteer leadership group for UNC-Chapel Hill’s emerging leaders. The council works directly with Carolina Annual Giving to educate peers and encourage annual financial support of all Carolina schools, units and programs.

Our Mission

Carolina Young Alumni logo

YALC’s primary mission is to fundraise for UNC-Chapel Hill and foster engagement among fellow alumni, developing a foundation of donors who will support Carolina and help maintain its position as one of the nation’s leading, globally-eminent public universities. YALC works with Carolina Annual Giving to educate peers and encourage annual financial support of all Carolina schools, units and programs by engaging young alumni in the process of philanthropic giving.


  • Fundraise each year for the current YALC initiatives by engaging alumni and friends of the university.
  • Host networking events for young alumni throughout the year.
  • Recruit new members each year who will serve as ambassadors for Carolina.

Member Requirements

  • Serve a three-year term with opportunities to serve in leadership positions.
  • Support Carolina philanthropically with a recurring monthly gift or an annual contribution at the Chancellor’s Club level.
  • Encourage fellow young alumni to join in supporting Carolina each fiscal year.
  • Attend quarterly council meetings each year.
  • Volunteer for GiveUNC: Carolina’s annual day of giving.
  • Participate in nominating new members each year.

Make a Gift

Carolina Covenant scholar poses in front of the Old Well wearing a cap and gown.

The Young Alumni Carolina Covenant Scholarship Endowment Fund is currently the primary focus of our fundraising efforts. This fund was created through a lead gift from YALC members as we believe every student who has done the hard work to gain admission to Carolina should be able to enroll at Carolina – regardless of their financial circumstances.

Connect With Us

Follow UNC Young Alumni on social media for the latest updates and events:

Council Membership

Will Lindsey

Will Lindsey ’14
Chicago, IL


Michael Smith ’21
Charlotte, NC


Headshot of Luke Cullifer, wearing a blue suite and standing outdoors

Luke Cullifer ’19
Charlotte, NC

Vice Chair

Picture of Paul Lilley, wearing a blue blazer and standing outside in front of a building

Paul Lilley ’16
Durham, NC

Vice Chair

Lydie Neill ’18
Raleigh, NC

Vice Chair

Executive Committee

Elizabeth Adkins ’18
Emily Blackburn ’19
Lyndsay Cooper ’20
Katharine deGolian ’21

Trevor Gillogly ’20
Jashawnna Gladney ’16
Emily Kupec ’18

Lindsay Larkin ’21
Kelley Traynham ‘20
Ashton Vermillion ‘21


Blake Aldridge ’16
Tripp Andracchio ’17
Peter Andringa ’20
Ara Atayan ’21
John Babcock ’20
Jimbo Barnes ’17
RJ Barrett ’14
Caroline Bass ’19
Maclin Batchelor ’17
Tess Bettinsoli ’18
Taylor Boole ’19
Nikki Bowser ’15 
Mary Beth Browne ’19
Claire Caudill ’16
Deena Cronson ’16
Ana Diaz ’24
Kendra Douglas ’16
Genevieve Duffy ’17
Alexandra Egan ’19
Pete Garrabrant ’22
Seve Gaskin ’14

Lydia Hall ’22 
Olivia Hart ’14
Katrina Hauprich ’15
Garrett Holloway ’17
Chad Hoskins ’17
Mary Morgan Keyser ’14
Lucie Kloak ’16
Thompson Long ’18
Matthew Lovejoy ’16
Savinna Mangalindan ’21
Andrew Maxwell ’20
Ryne Maynor ’19
Elise McGlothian ’16
Grace McNichols ’20
Alexandra Miller ’24
Akash Mishra ’19
Jaya Mishra ’22 
Will Monk ’16 
John Moody ’20 
Tanner Morgan ’19
Rob Neill ’22
Sean Nguyen ’21

Katie Noble ’24
Madeline Pace ’18
Morgan Pergande ’17
Fields Pierce ’16
Andrew Pipkin ’21
Matt Queen ’19
Anna Rhyne ’20
Jeff Schoettmer ’15
Katharine Shriver ’19
James Smith-Dingler ’16
McAllister Stowe ’22
Grace Taylor ’16
Kartik Tyagi ’23
Tinsley Ullrich ’19
Kathryn Walker ’16
Lilly Washburn ’21
Bailey White ’16
John Wierman MBA ’24
Thorn Wilbanks ’21
Wyndham Williamson ’20
Tarik Woods ’21

Donor Resources

Need help making a gift? Reach our Gift Services team by calling 919-537-3818, emailing or clicking the Contact Us button below. To view your giving history, make a repeat gift or pledge payment, or print a tax receipt, click My UNC Giving.